
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Last Day of Testing for the Year...

Student Abstract Expressive Painting
...and time to finish putting away supplies and get some cleaning and organizing done.  In the high school, we have semester testing, so the last 2 days (Friday and Tuesday) have been test days.  And yes, I do have to give tests in Art, which my students complain about until they realize its pretty easy if they have been paying attention and use their common sense!   Hopefully they realize that they have learned something over the course of the year.  Most of them do, but most of all, I hope they enjoy coming to Art Class!

So as I wrap up another school year, I will start thinking about what I will do different next year. How can I help more students realize their creative selves?

This painting is an example of how a student can let loose and paint and be expressive.  Many people do not understand this type of art or do not appreciate it, but this painting stood out to me.  I don't know what this Art 1 student was expressing, or if he knew. But he just sat down and painted this in one class period, because he had been absent, alot, and needed to finish the abstract project.  I love the colors, movement, and expressiveness in it.  So I want my students to realize that its okay, sometimes, to experiment and find how to express themselves through their art.  Because that is what art is, a way to communicate!

Mrs. Macre♥Art 

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Plaster Craft Art - Turtle crawling up the wall...

This turtle was hanging on my classroom wall this spring.  Just another cute project completed by one of my students this semester. 

Plastercraft Project
This is made, first of newspaper and cardboard for the form. Then covered with plaster strips, then textured with modeling paste, then painted with acrylic paint. 
We used Plastercraft rolls like these:

Hannah's Turtle
Mixed Media - Plaster and Paint

Mrs. Macre♥Art 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Yellow Clay duck that almost didn't happen!

Student Art Work
Some students may need some extra encouragement.
I thought I would share the story of the little clay duck.  Here is a photo of a clay project that one of my seniors made in class this semester during our clay unit.  This one almost went into the recycle bin before it was even fired!  But I convinced him to finish it. The student made a duck, but he didn't really like it much and I caught him throwing it into the recycle bucket. I suggested he make something to go with it, so he came up with the bathtub and bubbles, which I thought was so cute!  So I fired it, but unfortunately, the duck had an air pocket or moisture trapped inside and it broke in the kiln. The bubbles and tub were okay though.   So....he made another duck, with a little convincing from me.  He was reluctant, but he did it for me.  And this is the result and he let me keep it! Isn't he cute?

Student Art Work© 2011

Mrs. Macre♥Art 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Welcome to my new blog!

Welcome to my new blog and my first post! I am a high school art teacher who has been blogging my own journal for 4 years.  In my Art Journal Blog, I have been adding some occasional posts about my art class projects and thought that I would try to keep the two journals separate. I'm sure they will overlap some, but I have recently stumbled on other Art Teacher blogs that I am excited to start keeping up with! I plan to go back through my Art Journal Blog, and find the posts about classroom projects and add to this blog.  That is going on my to do list for this summer though.  This year is coming to an end in 2 weeks, so I have a lot to do over the next 2 weeks. 

I have been teaching for 28 years and I really wish that I had this technology  years ago.   I would say over these 28 years, the invention of the digital camera and the internet have been my favorite changes to teaching over the years!  Plus this year my school district installed a smart board in my classroom, so that is becoming another one of my favorite tools to teach with! (besides paints, markers, colored pencils, etc.)  

So, for now, I will be looking for old blog posts and pictures of projects and spending lots of time looking at other art teacher blogs. Along the way, I hope to meet some art teachers and get some cool ideas for class projects!  

Mrs. Macre♥Art