
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Drawing from Life with High School Students

Beginning of School

After two weeks the High School Art Room is beginning to look more like my typical art room. Lots of projects are in progress, art supplies are out, students are beginning to relax a little. I've been trying to stay caught up with paperwork, but I am already sick of that! If I could just teach art and not do 'paperwork', I think this would be the 'ideal' job! So far, my classes have been great and I am looking forward to a wonderful year. 

Value Studies

Supplies Needed:
Drawing Pencils - 2B-6B
White Drawing Paper - 18x24
White Sheet or piece of fabric
Lamp to Shine on the Fabric

I usually start off my Art 2 and 3 with a value study drawing.  I hang a sheet and another piece of fabric (to give them a choice) and place a lamp to shine onto the fabrics to enhance the highlights and shadows. I also place samples of drawings that I have done or former student drawings on the wall for them to see how the drawing should fill the page and the range of values that is possible when drawing something that is only black and white. The goal is for the students to learn how to add values to add depth to their drawings and to give them more experience in drawing from life.  You can see some of my students' work from this project here: Value Studies

 Mrs. Macre♥Art    


  1. Thanks, Im going to use this exersice with my art students.

  2. Many thanks! I was wondering how to get kids to do value with drapery better.

  3. Beautiful drawings- thank you for sharing. How many classes does this take and what size of paper do you typically use?

    1. Hi Miss!
      We do this project on 18x24 inch paper. It can take 3 to 5 class periods. Some students work faster than others. Thanks for asking!
